CARMA Eclipse plugin: Quick Starting Guide

After the installation of the CARMA Eclipse Plug-In you can start specifying your first system in CARMA.

First of all a CARMA Project has to be created. Select File -> New -> Other…

Eclise menu: new project

After that select CARMA Project under the CARMA category and click on button Next:

New Project Wizard: New CARMA project

Give a name to the project and click on Finish.

Details of a new CARMA Project

The New CARMA Project Wizard creates a new project in the current Workspace. In the project you can find a simple CARMA specification that is used to illustrate the basic structure of a .carma file:

Exploring content of CARMA Project

Warning: The New CARMA Project wizard installs in the created project all the required Eclipse bundles. If you open or create a .carma file in a different project you can access to the syntax highlight features but you cannot use the simulation tool provided with CARMA.

Double-click on Example.carma to open the editor.

Exploring content of CARMA Project

Given a CARMA specification, the CARMA Eclipse Plug-in automatically generates the Java classes providing the machinery to simulate the model.

Generated CARMA files

To access the simulation features, a user can use the Carma Simulation View:

Eclipse menu: Show view -> Other

Open CARMA Simulation View

In the view the following commands are available:

  • Add new experiment Add a new experiment to the selected project;
  • Delete the selected experiment Delete the selected experiment;
  • Edit selected experiment Edit selected experiment;
  • Save all experiments Save all experiments;
  • Save the experiments of selected projects Save the experiments of selected projects;
  • Run selected experiment Run selected experiment;
  • Copy selected experiment Copy selected experiment;
  • Plot experiment results Plot experiment results;
  • Save experiment results into CSV a file Save experiment results into CSV a file.

Carma Simulation View can be used to create new experiments

Create a new simulation experiment

after that a dialogue box pops up to choose the model and the system to simulate and the appropriate values to execute the simulation:

Create a new simulation experiment

The experiment is then created and added in the view:

Create a new simulation experiment

A simulation experiment can be selected and then executed:

Select experiment and run simulation

Progress of a simulation

When the simulation completes, collected results are reported in the view and can be plotted chart_line in the Experiment Results View or saved in a CSV file datasheet.

Select experiment and run simulation

Select experiment and run simulation

Experiments can be saved inside the project via buttons Save all experiments Save the experiments of selected projects to let them available for further analysis.