CARMA Eclipse plugin: Installation Guide

To install the CARMA Eclipse PlugIn, Eclipse for DSL and Java 1.8 are needed.

Open your copy of Eclipse for DSL, and select Help » Install New Software.

Eclipse menu: Install new software

Click Add to open add site dialogue

Eclipse menu: Add new update site

Create CARMA Update Site repository and set the location to

Carma Update Site Data

Select the latest version of the CARMA Eclipse plugin from the CARMA Upate Site and press Next

Select CARMA Eclipse plugin fro CARMA Update Site

The application will then find all the dependencies and get the plug-in for you (this can take some time as the application has to look up dependencies from other sites). After that you will be presented with installation details, just press next.

CARMA Eclipse Pluing installation details

Accept the license agreement

Accept license

The plugin will start to download and install. When the process is completed you need to restart Eclipse.